How to write a debate essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem
Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem Percent creation by mass is an announcement of the percent mass of every component in a concoction compound or the percent mass of segments of an answer or amalgam. This worked model science issue works through the means to ascertain percent organization by mass. The model is for a sugar 3D shape broke down in some water. Percent Composition by Mass Question A 4 g sugar solid shape (Sucrose: C12H22O11) is broken down in a 350 ml teacup of 80 Â °C water. What is the percent creation by mass of the sugar arrangement? Given: Density of water at 80 Â °C 0.975 g/ml Percent Composition Definition Percent Composition by Mass is the mass of the solute separated by the mass of the arrangement (mass of the solute in addition to mass of the dissolvable), duplicated by 100. The most effective method to Solve the Problem Stage 1 - Determine mass of solute We were given the mass of the solute in the issue. The solute is the sugar 3D square. masssolute 4 g of C12H22O11 Stage 2 - Determine mass of dissolvable The dissolvable is the 80 Â °C water. Utilize the thickness of the water to locate the mass. thickness mass/volume mass thickness x volume mass 0.975 g/ml x 350 ml masssolvent 341.25 g Stage 3 - Determine the absolute mass of the arrangement msolution msolute msolvent msolution 4 g 341.25 g msolution 345.25 g Stage 4 - Determine percent creation by mass of the sugar arrangement. percent creation (msolute/msolution) x 100 percent creation ( 4 g/345.25 g) x 100 percent creation ( 0.0116) x 100 percent creation 1.16% Answer: The percent creation by mass of the sugar arrangement is 1.16% Tips for Success Its critical to recollect you utilize the all out mass of the arrangement and not simply the mass of the dissolvable. For weaken arrangements, this doesnt have a tremendous effect, however for concentrated arrangements, youll misunderstand an answer.If youre given the mass of solute and mass of dissolvable, life is simple, yet on the off chance that youre working with volumes, youll need to utilize thickness to locate the mass. Recollect thickness fluctuates as per temperature. Its improbable youll discover a thickness esteem comparing to your careful temperature, so anticipate that this figuring should present a limited quantity of blunder into your computation.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Christianity & Intelligence Essay examples -- Sociology Sociological R
Christianity and Intelligence Reed College has been generally viewed as a grounds with a genius skeptic feeling and an enemy of strict standpoint of the world. Shirts that show the seal of the school publicize secularism as an idea of central significance. The point of this mental investigation was to decide if understudies of Reed College certainly connected Christianity with unintelligence and skepticism with knowledge. Various Implicit Association Tests (IAT’s) have been utilized to decide if individuals have fundamental inclinations toward specific racial or social gatherings. In light of the speed of reactions when related with some ethnic gathering, one can decide exactly what kind of concealed predispositions may exist in the brain of the subject. Particularly interesting for this situation is the possibility that Christians might be interpreted as less shrewd than agnostics on Reed’s grounds. How does this translation, if present, influence assorted variety at Reed and the acknowledgment of different social and strict gatherings? Is there a specific degree to which people who value strict convictions are overlooked because of their relationship with Christianity? The objective of this examination is to make an assurance concerning whether there is a relationship with insight and faith in a Christian God. This investigation will decide if this affiliation, if existent, is unequivocal or understood, or both. Utilizing an IAT, we will give different words related agnosticism and Christianity notwithstanding words related with insight and idiocy. My theory is that there will be a sure level of basic predisposition that sees Christians as less smart people than skeptics. The members for this investigation were twelve understudies in the Intro Psycholog... ...sick feel less greeting here. Therefore, strict and scholarly assorted variety are checked because of different certain and unequivocal affiliations. It is to some degree ameliorating to realize that the exploration was constrained in the way that lone a little example size could be taken. Maybe if a whole example of the grounds could have been estimated, we would have the option to locate the immediate ramifications of the examination. As it occurs, it would be intriguing to examine and investigate different modes that may constrain decent variety at Reed. Is there a verifiable relationship with Republicans and non-insight? Do Reedies esteem the assessments of individuals from various social and ethnic gatherings less through verifiable or even express affiliations? Furthermore, does this convey an immediate effect on those keen on registering at the school? These inquiries would be fascinating to investigate in future trial of affiliation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discussion Question Week 2-1D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conversation Question Week 2-1D - Essay Example This contrast between explore questions and speculations can likewise be understood with the assistance of a basic model: Research Question †What level of individuals living in Ireland lean toward cold-espresso over customary espresso? All things considered, 50-60% of populace living in Ireland lean toward cold-espresso over traditional espresso. Hence, in one sense, look into speculation is a supposition made by the analyst because of a formalized research question, which helps in the appraisal of researcher’s individual information and approach regarding the matter over which study is planned. Further, it isn't generally conceivable that an exploration speculation is demonstrated to be the correct response for the examination question by aftereffects of study, and for this situation, specialist investigates the motivation behind why his/her speculations got off-base. 2. Extraction of Research Question from Hypothesis: Example 1: Sample Hypothesis: The impacts of changin g atmosphere will have no commitments in Malaria infiltration into Alaskan populace.
Marketing Pricing Pricing Strategies
Question: Talk about theMarketing Pricingfor Pricing Strategies. Answer: Advertising Pricing Estimating Strategy Proposal for TopOne Entertainment Limited Foundation of the Business Over the ongoing past, TopOne restricted has become an easily recognized name in the karaoke business in Singapore. Its rich themed rooms, magnificent sounds, and karaoke frameworks have made the spot an appealing goal for some people in the locale. Likewise, its helpful area, at the core of Bugis has made it a well known KTV in the nation (TopOne KTV, 2016). Also, its chronicle studio is an amazing office for recording sounds. The organization additionally offers a tremendous choice of well known and drifting tunes for its customers. Current Pricing At present, TopOne KTV has 55 rooms of differing sizes that are intended to provide food for every one of its clients needs. The rooms are made to oblige different gatherings from couples, little gatherings and medium gatherings just as huge groups. The KTV offers limits to its individuals. In particular, individuals are qualified for limits on food, beverages, and fee at the door. They are likewise qualified for birthday treats, part advancements, and prize focuses. Starting at now, a two-year participation plan goes for S$10. Then again, the account studio charge for new customers is S$30 per tune. On the other hand, the customers may pay S$50 every hour (TopOne KTV, 2016). Note that the official idea of the office powers the organization to set its costs moderately higher than those of its rivals. Right now, the principle contenders incorporate K-Box, Dynasty Classic KTV, Crown Music Box and K-garden Karaoke among others. The significant expenses charged have effectsly affected the level of client inflow. All things considered, numerous potential clients are frightened away by the similarly high charges on the companys pamphlet. Thus, this has generously influenced the companys benefit. Hence, it is urgent for the organization to embrace another estimating system to turn the business around and improve its productivity. Proposed Pricing Strategy Given the idea of the karaoke business in Singapore, the organization has various estimating methodologies to look over. Be that as it may, choosing the most proficient methodology for the office is urgent to the future achievement of the business. Starting at now, receiving an entrance estimating system in the karaoke business will go far in improving the degree of the companys benefits. Commonly, this technique seeks after the goal of augmenting the quantity of customers and individuals through lower costs. In this arrangement, the organization sets a low cost to build the client traffic into the office (Spann, Fischer, Tellis, 2015). Thus, this realizes an expansion in the undertakings piece of the overall industry and deals. Thereafter, when an enormous piece of the pie is achieved, the organization may raise its costs back to the underlying level. As of now, the infiltration estimating methodology is the best system. Principally, this is credited to the way that the interest for karaoke encloses the nation is exceptionally flexible. All things considered, clients are delicate to changes in costs and the nature of the administration advertised. Along these lines, giving top notch karaoke administrations at generally moderate costs would bring about an expansion in the general interest for the administration (Spann, Fischer, Tellis, 2015). In addition, the organization may harvest from economies of scale, given its huge operational limit. In particular, the organization will encounter diminishes in operational expenses as the volume of its demographic increments. Moreover, the nature of TopOnes extravagant administrations is one that increases mass intrigue. Therefore, the infiltration methodology would work best in reestablishing the organization back to high benefit. Note that a slight decline in the companys costs, just beneath the costs charged by its nearest rivals will lure clients to visit the office. In this way, this would not just increment the measure of cash gathered as karaoke charges yet additionally from food, drinks and different administrations offered inside the karaoke box. The organization may attempt to recover the lost benefits by somewhat expanding the costs of nourishments and refreshments in the office. Frequently, the customers are less excited about the costs of nourishments and beverages than the passage charge. In such manner, expanding the charges on the bites and beverages may reward the club the sum lost in the studio charges. Prominently, the moderate costs would likewise tempt clients to visit the office all the more normally. In certain occurrences, the normal clients may prescribe their loved ones to visit the spot and experience the quietness of the lavishly themed rooms, brilliant sound, and astounding karaoke frameworks. Given the nature of the administrations rendered in the organization, a large portion of the customer base may settle on an enrollment plan at TopOne. The more the individuals, the more benefits the organization will procure through client unwaveringness. Therefore, when the quantity of long haul individuals in the business builds, the firm may select to expand its costs back to ordinary. Now, the gainfulness of the KTV will be reestablished. Referencing Spann, M., Fischer, M., Tellis, G. (2015). Skimming or Penetration? Key Dynamic Pricing for New Products. Showcasing Science, 34), 235249. TopOne KTV: Recommended Karaoke Studio. (2016). The Best Singapore. Recovered 9 February 2017, from
Friday, August 21, 2020
Magnetic Therapy :: Medicine Medical Papers
Attractive Therapy As we keep on creating as a general public, an ever increasing number of individuals are searching for more current strategies to assist themselves with turning out to be and remain solid. One of the manners in which we have done this was to imitate cures of the past. A genuine case of this would be the utilization of magnets. Magnets were utilized in early human advancements over the globe. The utilization of magnets has been found in clinical diaries of the early Chinese. The Ancient Greeks utilized attractive rocks, lodestone, as a mending apparatus ( Up till today the prominence of magnets has developed enormously. The possibility of attractive treatment has gotten the enthusiasm of the open mostly in view of its capacity to treat torment without the utilization of medications or the obtrusive methods of medical procedure. How accomplish they work? There have been numerous intelligent clarifications with regards to how the magnets work. One clarification for the achievement of attractive treatment has been the manner by which they use the cell’s attractive field. At the point when an ailment attacks the body, it disturbs the attractive fields making them become bewildered inside the cells. Magnets help realign these fields making them be a significant factor in checking the ailment ( Magnets likewise increment blood course by pulling in and repulsing the charged particles inside every cell. The improved dissemination expands the measure of warmth created inside the body and permits the fast section of supplements and oxygen to the influenced site, accelerating the recuperating procedure. ( The warmth created likewise lessens expanding in the influenced regions of the body All the clarifications hold nature as the establishment supporting the recuperating forces of magnets. They work with our body to instigate normal recuperating without symptoms, which may represent its developing ubiquity. Dr. H.L. Bansal brings up that the body contains around 4-5 grams of iron; in the blood, in a section called hemoglobin, and in muscles, in a section called myoglobin. Utilizing a magnet expands the development of hemoglobin, which likewise quickens blood stream. While the blood stream builds, stores close by veins are diminished and in the end evaporate. Causing these stores to disappear makes blood stream easily additionally decline your hazard for hypertension (http://home.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
MIT Admissions Decisions Now Available Online
MIT Admissions Decisions Now Available Online MIT Regular Action admissions decisions are now available online here: can log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in. As has become tradition, the MIT admissions decisions are being released on March 14 Pi Day. This year, decisions are being released at 9:26pm. Admissions decisions are available exclusively online. We do not plan to send out any admissions decisions by mail, though admitted students will receive information on their financial aid package and Campus Preview Weekend in the mail next week. This year, we received 17,909 applications for admission, a record number for us and an 8% increase over last year. We admitted 1715 students for an admit rate of 9.6%, or fewer than one of every ten applicants. Because of the size and the strength of the applicant pool there were a great many incredible students whom we were simply unable to offer admission to. All applicants should know that the admissions staff gave them full consideration in our process. These decisions are not easy to make. But we also know that those students to whom we could not offer admission will find wonderful homes elsewhere and go on to do terrific things for the world. We will have more news about the class to come. In the meantime, we have provided three open threads below where admitted, waitlisted, and not admitted students can talk amongst themselves. We ask only that the comments be kept friendly and civil in our community.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Literary Critique of The Feminine Mystique - Literature Essay Samples
Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique ignited the onset of the second wave of feminism in the United States. This book is a sociological study about the roots of the feminine mystique and how it turned â€Å"into a religion, a pattern by which all women must now live or deny their femininity.†Although Friedan does raise good points that sparked an awakening for some women, she also had a very single-sided and close-minded perspective of a woman’s role as a housewife, which ended up hurting the validity of her thesis, for there are two sides to every story, and both sides must be kept in mind.One very interesting point that Friedan brought up as part of an explanation as to why the feminine mystique is in place is that the economy needs housewives in order to keep it booming. Friedan states that the really important role that women serve as housewives is to buy more things for the house. In all the talk of femininity and womans role, one forgets that the real bus iness of America is business (299). Friedan proposes the idea that manufacturers and businessmen are among the true beneficiaries of keeping American women as housewives, but more importantly, keeping American women yearning for more, so that their empty voids could be filled with materialistic products. The American economy needed a boost, and they knew that they could do so â€Å"by keeping American women housewivesthe reservoir that their lack of identity, lack of purpose, creates, to be manipulated into dollars at the point of purchase. Properly manipulated, American housewives can be given the sense of identity, purpose, creativity, the self-realization, even the sexual joy they lackâ€â€by the buying of things (301). Not only in regards to appliances that can be used around the home, but also to the extravagance of the woman’s materialistic belongings in general, economists knew that an emotionally empty housewife needed â€Å"these external trapping to buttress he r emptiness of self, to make her feel like somebody†(379). Through the initiative used from this ideology, the economy certainly did receive its boost through the consumerism of the American housewife. Propaganda was used in order to make women feel as if they were empty, and as if buying certain items could satisfy their hunger. Much thought went into the creation of such propaganda, for these masterminds needed to make the housewife feel the need to spend money on the product so that it would make life easier and make her feel more successful as a housewife, yet at the same time, not too easy to the point where the housewife feels useless. The thought that went into this propaganda was well exemplified in the advertising of X Mix, which allowed housewives to make instant cake from a box. In order to get around the woman’s feeling of guilt for not putting in the effort to make a cake from scratch for her family, the message was conveyed through the advertisement that â€Å"by using X Mix, the woman can prove herself as a wife and mother, not only by baking, but by spending more time with her family†(Friedan 306). It was also emphasized that â€Å"with X Mix in the home, you will be†¦ a happier woman†(306). Masterminds of propaganda knew what they were doing, and they succeeded in luring in the business of the average housewife through emotional appeal. This is a rather oblique perspective that forces readers to see a different angle of the panorama of the feminine mystique, and Friedan did provide solid evidence supporting her claim, so it appears to be true.Another interesting point that Friedan brought up was the dehumanization of the American housewife by conforming to the feminine mystique. In the twelfth chapter, â€Å"Progressive Dehumanization: The Comfortable Concentration Camp,†Friedan compares the victims locked in the concentration camps during the Holocaust to women stuck in their role as a housewife. It was quite clever how she symbolized the feminine mystique as a concentration camp, and the housewife as a victim locked in the concentration camp. Friedan believed that by conforming to the feminine mystique, housewives were dehumanizing themselves, and she conveyed her message with great clarity by making the comparison to how prisoners of the concentration camps were dehumanized. She stated that housewives and concentration camp prisoners alike â€Å"were forced to spend their days in work, which produced great fatigueâ€â€not because it was physically killing, but because it was monotonous, endless, required no mental concentration, gave no hope of advancement or recognition, was sometimes senseless and was controlled by the needs of others or the tempo of machines. It was work that did not emanate from the prisoner’s own personality; it permitted no real initiative, no expression of self, not even a real demarcation of time†(Friedan 424). In this situation, the coping method for a concentration camp prisoner or a housewife (who does not feel fulfilled with her role as a housewife) is to jade herself of the conditions of life, and then deny the simple truth that she is unhappy; by lying to oneself and denying the reality of a situation, one is in the process of dehumanization. Ultimately referring to the housewife, Friedan made the point that â€Å"not the SS but the prisoners themselves became their own worst enemy. Because they could not bear to see their situation as it really wasâ€â€because they denied the very reality of their problem, and finally ‘adjusted to the camp itself as if it were the only realityâ€â€they were caught in the prison of their own minds†(425). Through the point of view of a housewife’s life, Friedan’s insight on the feminine mystique is indeed true. If the housewife unhappily conformed to her role while yearning to fulfill more of her potential, then this astute ideology is abs olutely accurate; however, if the housewife was happy and satisfied as a wife and mother, then that is a different story.Despite Friedan’s making valid points in her argument against conformity to the feminine mystique, the validity of her argument is controversial due to her biased, narrow-minded perspective. There are two sides to every story, and although her points are valid and relevant in regards to one side of the feminine mystique, her close-minded views only exemplify ignorance and stubbornness when looking at the other side of the feminine mystique. Friedan basically attacked the judgment of young, educated women who chose to become housewives, saying, â€Å"The girls who would normally go to college but leave or forgo it to marry†¦ are products of the mystique. They give up education with a qualm, truly believing that they will find ‘fulfillment’ as wives and mothers†(Friedan 270-271). She also deemed it unrealistic and impossible for a wo man to be happy as a housewife, stating that â€Å"there are aspects of the housewife role that make it almost impossible for a woman of adult intelligence to retain a sense of human identity, the firm core of self or ‘I’ without which a human being, man or woman, is not truly alive†¦ I am convinced there is something about the housewife state itself that is dangerous†¦ The women who ‘adjust’ as housewives, who grow up wanting to be ‘just a housewife,’ are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration campsâ€â€and the millions more who refused to believe that the concentration camps existed†(422-423).That is quite a blunt statement – she is basically stating that if a woman chooses to become a housewife, she can never be genuinely happy, and she is giving up her true self and identity. What gives Friedan the authority to make these judgments and devalue the profound significanc e of the role of a wife and mother, which happens to be essential to any functioning society? She fails to realize that both men and women are human beings who are naturally attracted to each other, so it is not wrong or dehumanizing if a woman happens to fall in love with a man and wants to have a family with him. If she is doing what she truly wants to do, then she is taking initiative on the desires of her own identity. Friedan believes that an intelligent woman can only feel satisfied and fulfilled if she pursued a career, but what if the woman does not want to pursue a career, but would rather stay at home with her family? Friedan’s argument against conformity to the feminine mystique is only accurate if the woman conformed to her expected role in society, while she actually yearns to be something more. However, if a woman marries sincerely for love, and her genuine interests are to take care of her family by becoming a housewife, then going down that path would lead to a very fulfilling life indeed, for raising a child is the true passion of any mother who dreamed of becoming one.Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique is a riveting sociological study that supported her argument against the conformity of women to the roles that society expected them to be in the twentieth century: wife and mother. She brought up very clever points, such as how masterminds of propaganda urged women to remain in the household so that the economy could profit, and how conforming to society against one’s true volition ultimately dehumanized the woman. However, there are two sides to every story, and both sides must be kept in consideration in order to preserve the validity of the argument. In this situation, the side that Friedan’s ideologies are relevant to is the side where women feel pressured to conform to their role in society as a housewife, despite how they do not really yearn to be just a housewife. In this case, it is true for the woman th at by forcing herself into a role in which she does not feel fulfilled, she dehumanizes herself and ultimately gives up her own sense of identity. However, on the other hand, there are women whose genuine interests in life are to get married and raise a family, possibly due to their yearning for the love of a child. If the woman were to marry for love, and if she truly did not have any interests in pursuing a career, then she would be happy and satisfied as a wife and mother; she would be staying true to herself and her dreams, and there is nothing wrong with that, for she has the right to pursue anything she wishes. The Feminine Mystique’s flaw is that Friedan fails to acknowledge that some women are actually content with becoming housewives; she thereby attacks and demoralizes the significance of the wife and mother roles. This single-sided view diminishes her argument; nonetheless, The Feminine Mystique was a pioneering work whose influence remains powerful today.
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